Health and Public Sector in Colombia: Early approaches of its regulations.

The law 100 of 1993 which regulates the health sector in Colombia is a turning point in this field, but when did the relation between the political system and the health sector in Colombia begin? The health and the public sector had their early approaches during the colonial period with transatlantic political and intellectual debates of the age of revolutions. These attempts were triggered for the destructive smallpox epidemic of 1782. It prompted doctors and government authorities to begin calling for medical reforms.

As might be expected, doctors, intellectuals, and crown officials in Colombia as well as the side of Europe, proposed and implemented measures to improve the health sector, including urban hygiene and sanitation reforms. Therefore, with the evolution of the medicine in Colombia in the 1850s the link between the health sector and the politics was strengthened, showing how political instability and political debate in Colombia transformed the work of the doctors.

This evolution according to (Gallo Vélez, O, 2007) brought the transit of the hygiene to the tropical medicine and public health in Colombia 1873 – 1952, which lets us understand the configuration of the health system in the light of the dynamics of the market. Since the health sector in alliance with the pharmaceutical sector have become in a very profitable one with one of the highest participations in the market shares – Exchange-trade fund- (EFTs), these dynamics of the health system seem to stay in Colombia and around the world for longer. Indeed, this kind of system is quite similar in other countries like the United States with the Obama care where the citizens have several levels classified for status such as platinum, diamond, and gold.

In conclusion, the health sector in Colombia has been always influenced for the intellectual and political debates, also in the last decades the economic sector has played a vital role in this dynamic with a model which has many critics regardless of this model has been used in many countries. Besides, Colombia has imbibed from other countries not just knowledge but some kind of legal and political models like the Civil Code which is based on the Chilean and the French code, in the same way the medical system has taken many of its pillars from other countries, the complaint with this practice is that sometimes these models should not be replicated completely because every country has its own characteristics. The hope is on the possibility of that investments in the world health sector would let Scientifics develop medicines and technologies to help us live longer.


Warren, A. (2011). Historia de la medicina en colombia: De la medicina ilustrada a la medicina anatomoclínica (1782-1865). Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 85(1), 142-144. Retrieved from

Gallo Vélez, O. (2007). Emilio Quevedo et al., Coffee and Worm, Mosquitoes and Oil. History and Society, (13), 231–234. Retrieved from

Commonwealth bank of Australia. Market shares. Health wise.

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