The place of ethical principles and codes in the financial services industry.

288 words.

3 minutes reading.

Ethical principles and codes in the financial services industry hold a crucial role, serving as a bridge between our human nature of survival and our divine capacity for creation. As Kant (1781) posits, human beings are inherently inclined towards the unworthy aspects of life. He further argues that while free volition and morality can influence social life, they are not constitutive. These principles, rooted in the pursuit of the common good, form the basis of codes of conduct, ethical principles, and behaviours that enable us to coexist harmoniously within the social system. In many instances, these principles are also the foundation for creating coercive laws; the question is where they come from. (P.355)

Ethical principles and codes result from profound reflections on how to logically solve iterative issues in social life in a process of enlightenment guided by reason. This is derived from people’s choices regarding what they have available at the moment and what they consider will give them the best outcome. Van Velthoven, B.,R.W. (2023)

Kant (1781) elucidates that reason is the driving force that aligns all the ends guided by our inclinations into one ultimate end: happiness. In the context of financial services, this happiness could be interpreted as more profitable businesses, more satisfied customers, and strong synergies, the kind of win-win deals that are the hallmark of ethical decision-making. (P.379).

Understanding behaviours, principles, volition, and reason per se is insufficient knowledge in our current society. However, they form the bedrock of the codes and laws that govern social life, including the financial service industry. These elements must be placed at the system’s axial line, aiming to achieve success for all stakeholders. This is the essence of what Immanuel Kant defined as happiness.


Kant, I (1781). The Critique of Pure Reason. [Translated by J.M.D. Meiklejohn] Duke Classics. Retrieved from: Search Results for the critique of pure reason (

van Velthoven, B.,R.W. (2023///Winter). The greeks and the rational: The discovery of practical reason. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 16(2), 1-6. doi:

Pequeña Reflexión sobre Simón Bolívar y la vida cotidiana.


Probablemente a Bolívar le pasó como a muchos, desde siempre había amado lo suyo, pero cada vez que expandía sus límites geográficos e intelectuales, vislumbraba la magnitud de sus riquezas y encontraba su verdadera fuerza interior, su espíritu de líder conquistador.

Fue ese mismo espíritu el que lo llevó a librar tantas batallas y a ser nombrado en Norte América como el Jorge Washington de Sur América, comparado con Carlo Magno, Aníbal, y Napoleón. Fue este mismo espíritu el que lo impulsó a expandir su campaña hasta Perú desplazando a San Martin, el libertador de Argentina.

Pues bien, a muchos también les sucede que cuando la carga de la vida se ha hecho en extremo pesada o el ego se ha inflado en demasía, que bien por fortuna o infortuna encuentran su Sucre (en quien confiar el legado) o su Santander (después de todo el detractor).

Ahora bien, en este punto de la historia, si por miedo a perder no nos arriesgásemos al mejor estilo de Bolívar, más valdría morir jóvenes que con la tristeza de no haberlo intentado, y si al final de nuestra historia el final no nos gustase, prever esta posibilidad nos obliga a disfrutar el proceso, el aquí y el ahora.

Finalmente y para dicha nuestra, hoy día nos inspira que no todo se ha perdido y que muchos bienes ya sean materiales o inmateriales están aún por conquistar.


Arana, M. (2014). Bolívar: Libertador de América. Recuperado de: Spotify.

Antiguas astutas aves.

(Big black birds.)

Poesía lírica de origen italiano, verso endecasílabo.

Tiempo de ocio.

Los cuervos negros circundan las calles
profunda mirada, bello plumaje
habilidad abundante de aves
que a mi castillo brindan coraje.
Negras y astutas son estas aves
vigilan de día también de noche
mientras todos entonamos las salves
ellas protegen incluso los coches.

Aves astutas de negro plumaje
que en lo alto y en la cornisa
nos acompañan en este viaje
mirando aquellos que se deslizan
puertas y ventanas obstaculizan.
Vuelan las aves y caen las hojas
mientras que nuestro rey todo lo sabe
el todo lo ve, maneja las horas
y nuestro corazón vuela cual ave.

También se ensancha e ilumina
oh! puro manantial fuente divina
y brotan las aguas, naturalmente
oh! madre pura de hermosa fuente.

Corren las aguas, y nada sucede 
si no es percibido por nuestro rey
así viviremos en santa sede
disfrutando el magnífico edén.

Y con paciencia y con su ayuda 
a nuestro magis nos acercamos, y
nuestra pobreza o bien nos empuja
o bien por la misma nos alejamos.

Vuelan las aves pues se atreverán
oh! gran rey nuestro que todo lo sabes
y por la frase de nunca volverán
sufren incrédulos por estas aves.

Víctor Hugo.

Divergent Spiritual Knowledge.

6 Minutes reading.

On Earth, there are two main concepts of spirituality: Good and evil, and for this essay, good and divergent spiritual knowledge will be barely outlined.

Many people agree that a superior being has been caring for and guiding humanity and the whole universe. This superior being was known simultaneously by many people in different geographical locations with no geographical barriers. This might be named Divergent Spiritual Knowledge (DSK). According to Harvard Professional Development, Divergent Knowledge occurs when new ideas are acquired by going out and exploring possibilities.

Primitive human beings found problems and solutions; in that journey, they also found a superior being. This could be called spiritual because it is something beyond the physical body (Spiritual house), regardless if it is connected to a person’s mind. After all, it is still beyond their understanding. Then, how every culture reflects on the former ideas is the process of convergent knowledge, how every culture and every person understands the learned concepts.

The difference in the understanding process of every culture is clearly defined by how spiritual awareness is expressed throughout human history. Therefore, depending on the stage of human history, the culture, or the geographical location, it is easy to identify spiritual expressions in hieroglyphs, geoglyphs, outstanding sculptures, the Bible, religious art, sacred music, and many other forms of spiritual expression that have been segregated among the whole planet through the history of the humanity.

In addition, since written communication appeared human beings have been taken advantage of it. Many fields have used written transmission to store millions of words that contain data, information, and knowledge. DSK has also used this tool; consequently, many books about spirituality are written in different countries in various languages. All these books have a primary message that gravitates toward love and the desire for a divine rather than a human reality.

Through DSK, a superior force reaches out to hearts and minds anywhere and anytime. Every person understands the message differently, and without written communication, following that special force might be more complex and take more time. Imagine someone trying to get into a specific new place without any instruction or map.

Nowadays, the most common written manual about spirituality is the Bible. If the reader honestly has a clean and open heart, this book might align concepts with any previous knowledge about spirituality. At this point, it is essential to reconcile the reader’s former beliefs with the new message to avoid feeling imposed with just an apparently superior knowledge. This is a crucial aspect even for those raised in a Christian family because today, the Bible has some messages that might be out of context without appropriate interpretation.

Reconciling the reader’s beliefs with the message of the bible requires creative observation, case assemblage, and auto-ethnographic-like design. In other words, this is about applying the message of the Bible to the daily lives of people, considering every person’s background, culture, and traditions. (Anderson, A., Korp, Peter., Reinersten, Anne, 2022, p78)

Finally, to assemble DSK the reader needs critical reason to coordinate all those different expressions of God’s love.

Finally, to assemble DSK the reader needs critical reason to coordinate all those different expressions of God’s love.


Anderson, A., Korp, Peter., Reinersten, Anne. (2022). Re-thinking official educational organization towards friction-zones between divergent knowledges. Policy Futures in Education, volume (21), [P78].

Harvard Professional Development (17 May 2016). Convergent versus divergent thinking. [Video file]. Retrieved from:

Studying a foreign language


In some educational systems, children are required to study one or more foreign languages. In others, foreign language study is not a requirement.

What are the potential benefits of foreign language study?

Do you think foreign language study is an important part of education?

In some countries foreign languages are part of the educational system, in other countries this is not a requirement. From my perspective studying a foreign language has benefits such as opening up better university options, increasing job opportunities, and broadening academic and labour opportunities.

Studying a foreign language allows students to interact with other students from all around the world. Furthermore, they might get friends with no communication barriers, and according to some experts this practice boosts children’s confidence by teaching them useful skills to express themselves. In a similar way, children who study a foreign language can also exchange ideas with students overseas thus widening their level of knowledge. In addition, these children would visit other countries and learn from other cultures new concepts that could be applicable back home to foster the construction of a better and more egalitarian society, based on contemporaneous civil rights.

Children who study a foreign language might look for greater opportunities to grow by opening better university and future job options. Globalization will continue to flourish as well as academic exchanges and those who have learned a second or third language will have a technical advantage. Moreover, these students may move up the career ladder by working with international companies.

As far as I’m concerned, foreign languages are an important part of education. Learning a foreign language allows us to work, study, and socialize with people from foreign countries. This also helps us to be more competitive in an everyday more globalized and competitive world. In other words, studying a foreign language allows people to live in a world with no geographical barriers in terms of communication.

(274 words)

Reviewed for Heather Jones. BA, MLitt, Grad Dip in Theo, Adv. Diploma in TESOL.


W: http://b 

M: +61 402 155 612


Lougheed, L. (2020). IELTS Writing. New York.  Kaplan INC, Barron’s Educational Series

Do not complain, just do the right thing. Are Unions an expression of communism or socialism?

Whether your preference is for capitalism or for socialism, or even for Drucker’s post capitalism and knowledge society, or the economic justice of Kottler, you should do your duty and not complain about the result. This statement sounds reasonable in countries such as Australia where according to the OECD (2019) classification, unions are mostly centralized or “organized decentralized”. In other words, this means that they are registered bodies and are regularly represented by a political party (usually the Labor Party). However, in south America, there is not a broad-based representation and unions (Sindicatos) are part of a more decentralized system. As a result, to be part of a union in South America can be dangerous since unions throughout the world are aligned to left wing parties and the dispute between left and right-wing groups in South America is still violent.

At this point, it is worth asking: are unions an expression of communism or socialism? A possible answer is no. However, according to Macintyre, S. (2022), in the 1920s when communism reached its peak in the Soviet Union, Australia’s Communist Party also followed their lead and those who joined the Communist Party, did so of their own accord and this had never happened before.

Although the Communist Party in Australia in the 1930s had built up their own interpretation of communism, Macintyre, S. (2022), explains that communism set down its deepest Australian roots in the organized working class. Therefore, unions nowadays are aligned with some of the ideals of communism such as the goal of improving working class lifestyle.

Macintyre also argues that communism failed and never returned after Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika agreements and the fall of the Berlin wall. Furthermore, new economic models and movements emerged such as post capitalism, the knowledge society, and economic justice. In like manner, in developed countries, unions and Labor parties have become stronger – to bring an example from just a few weeks ago, Anthony Albanese, the representative of the Labor Party in Australia became Prime Minister of this country.

It is clear that not just in developed countries but also around the world we must have discussions within legal and peaceful frameworks. In this way, we can hear all points of view and then make the best decisions informed by democratic models. In this manner, leaders will not complain anymore and play their roles ethically, then society can find ways to handle the challenges coming from different economic models.

Reviewed for Heather Jones. BA, MLitt, Grad Dip in Theo, Adv. Diploma in TESOL.



M: +61 402 155 612


OECD (2019)Negotiating Our Way Up: Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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Macintyre, S. (2022). The Reds: The Communist Party of Australia from origins to illegality. Retrieved from

Wajda, A. (Director). (1982). Man of Iron. [Film]. Polish

Health and Public Sector in Colombia: Early approaches of its regulations.

The law 100 of 1993 which regulates the health sector in Colombia is a turning point in this field, but when did the relation between the political system and the health sector in Colombia begin? The health and the public sector had their early approaches during the colonial period with transatlantic political and intellectual debates of the age of revolutions. These attempts were triggered for the destructive smallpox epidemic of 1782. It prompted doctors and government authorities to begin calling for medical reforms.

As might be expected, doctors, intellectuals, and crown officials in Colombia as well as the side of Europe, proposed and implemented measures to improve the health sector, including urban hygiene and sanitation reforms. Therefore, with the evolution of the medicine in Colombia in the 1850s the link between the health sector and the politics was strengthened, showing how political instability and political debate in Colombia transformed the work of the doctors.

This evolution according to (Gallo Vélez, O, 2007) brought the transit of the hygiene to the tropical medicine and public health in Colombia 1873 – 1952, which lets us understand the configuration of the health system in the light of the dynamics of the market. Since the health sector in alliance with the pharmaceutical sector have become in a very profitable one with one of the highest participations in the market shares – Exchange-trade fund- (EFTs), these dynamics of the health system seem to stay in Colombia and around the world for longer. Indeed, this kind of system is quite similar in other countries like the United States with the Obama care where the citizens have several levels classified for status such as platinum, diamond, and gold.

In conclusion, the health sector in Colombia has been always influenced for the intellectual and political debates, also in the last decades the economic sector has played a vital role in this dynamic with a model which has many critics regardless of this model has been used in many countries. Besides, Colombia has imbibed from other countries not just knowledge but some kind of legal and political models like the Civil Code which is based on the Chilean and the French code, in the same way the medical system has taken many of its pillars from other countries, the complaint with this practice is that sometimes these models should not be replicated completely because every country has its own characteristics. The hope is on the possibility of that investments in the world health sector would let Scientifics develop medicines and technologies to help us live longer.


Warren, A. (2011). Historia de la medicina en colombia: De la medicina ilustrada a la medicina anatomoclínica (1782-1865). Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 85(1), 142-144. Retrieved from

Gallo Vélez, O. (2007). Emilio Quevedo et al., Coffee and Worm, Mosquitoes and Oil. History and Society, (13), 231–234. Retrieved from

Commonwealth bank of Australia. Market shares. Health wise.

The International Woman’s Day. Beyond the commercial celebration.

An Asian student said, “International Women’s Day should not only belong to women, but credit also goes to gentlemen, because the establishment of this date is not just to say thank you to women around us, but also for cheering the equality between men and women”. The International Women’s Day should be more than just a date to give presents to them. This essay tends to analyze some perspectives of this commemoration.

Men should take advantage of this day to recognize the real value of the women, how they can dynamically combine their gentleness with power and be clever too. Women have the ability of doing different activities at the same time. During the history women have handled in a glamorous way the chores of house, looking after their kids, care for their partners and every day they have been getting better job positions and even some women have occupied the role of head of the state or head of the government in several countries such as Germany with Angela Merkel, Argentina with Isabel Cristine de Kitchner, Julia Gillard in Australia, or Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom. A woman generally does these things lovely and discretely while in some chauvinist countries for instance, men believe they cannot work on their daily jobs and doing dishes at home or cook because these tasks are just for women. As Hurwitz, Suzanne, Ed.; And Others. (1980) mention, laws have been introduced to endure women rights, but they still need to change the family code because the hardest attitude to change is about the roles of the women and men within their families.

Moreover, in the labor field there is still a gap between men and women, for instance most of the high roles in some countries and companies are occupied for men rather than women, also the earnings are different from one another. This real gap is every day smaller since women have devoted themselves of working very hard and smart to gain a more equal society. The women’s battle has lasting longer since in the feudalism period they were not considered legal person, then after many efforts a more serious battle began on March 1857 when women from New York publicly protested to improve their working conditions, they achieved their inner rights and then fifty years later on March 1910 after some protests every March, the German labor leader Clara Zetkin proposed March 8th as the international Women’s Day like a commemoration for the early struggles of the women, in the same way women get their right to vote in the middle of 19th century. After these battles the women were able to study, vote, and work on activities different from the chores of house. Before women were just assigned to born, care and teach kids.

Finally, since the beginning of the history just men were able to performance all kind of activities, then they gained the upper hand in the race of life, however, women have not stopped their daily battle for a better and more equal society, and the gap between men and women is every day smaller. As far as I am concerned, a more equal society must be foster daily, however, I strongly believe that the beautiful of the women steam from their tenderness and sweetness which is also their real power and the engine which moves guys like me. I am aware of some tasks that require a specific biotype and that could be developed for women too, but I reckon the equality should be encouraged from the intellectual field rather than the anatomic.

Hurwitz, Suzanne, Ed.; And Others. (1980). In search of Our Past: Units in Women’s History. World History Student Manual. Retrieved from:

Special thanks to Tina, my Chinese flat mate, who said the phrase of the beginning and inspired this essay.

Continuando con la Ley 100 de 1993. Reglamentaria del derecho a la salud. ¿Qué reglamenta, y qué es la salud?

La ley 100 de 1993 está regulada por la ley 1751 de 2015 por medio de la cual se reglamenta el derecho fundamental a la salud y se dictan otras disposiciones, siguiendo siempre las leyes consignadas en la Constitución Política de Colombia en lo que a dignidad humana y salud se refiere. La ley 100 de 1993 en su preámbulo dice “ La seguridad social integral es un conjunto de instituciones, normas y procedimientos, de que disponen las personas y la comunidad para gozar de una calidad de vida, mediante el cumplimiento progresivo de los planes y programas que el Estado y la sociedad desarrollen para proporcionar la cobertura integral de las contingencias, especialmente las que menoscaban la salud y la capacidad económica de los habitantes del territorio Nacional, con el fin de lograr el bienestar individual y la integración de la comunidad.”

De la misma manera el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud -SGSSS – En el artículo 152 inciso 3 promulga como parte de su objeto “los objetivos del sistema general de seguridad social en salud son: Regular el servicio público esencial de salud y crear condiciones de acceso de toda la población al servicio de todos los niveles de atención.» Segura.

Mas adelante nos encontramos en cuanto a los principios generales del SGSSS los del artículo 153 inciso 3.8 CALIDAD. “los servicios de salud deberán atender las condiciones del paciente de acuerdo con la evidencia científica, provistos de forma integral oportuna, mediante una atención humanizada.”

En un análisis jurídico la salud no puede definirse solamente desde el punto de vista biomédico sino también desde lo social al ser éste un factor determinante de dicho concepto. La salud está influenciada por factores como la desigualdad social, que se refiere a las distintas oportunidades y recursos relacionados con la salud que tienen las personas en función de su clase social, sexo, territorio o etnia, lo que se plasma en una peor salud en los colectivos socialmente menos favorecidos “las circunstancias en que las personas nacen, crecen, viven, trabajan y envejecen, incluido el sistema de salud. Esas circunstancias son el resultado de la distribución del dinero, el poder y los recursos a nivel mundial, nacional y local, que depende a su vez de las políticas adoptadas”. De ahí que el concepto de salud es multidimensional, influido por características de índole social, política, económica, entre otros y que es un fenómeno que se replica en toda sur América. García y Álvaez (2013)

La Organización Mundial de la Salud -OMS – define en el preámbulo de su constitución la salud como “un completo estado de bienestar físico, psíquico y mental” concepto que se tendrá como definición de salud para efecto de análisis de la Ley 100/93, en el entendido de que lo que se pretende, como lo plantea la observación general Nro. 14 (2000) de la aplicación del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales en su artículo 12, es que todo ser humano pueda gozar del más alto nivel posible de salud que le permita vivir dignamente.

García, J. A., & Vélez, Consuelo. (2013). América latina frente a los determinantes sociales de la salud: Políticas publicas implementadas.Revista De Salúd Publica = Journal of PublicHealth, 15(5), 731-742. Disponible en pag 732. Colombia

Is the society ready for a four-day working week?

A shorter working week is something that sounds very interesting but, what does it require from employers and employees? Some people believe that if in the XIX century employees did not have weekends and then it was created, why workforce could not think about a three-day weekend. This essay will briefly explore some aspects of a four-day working week.

During the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have changed their traditional schedules. The workforce in some job markets is now working from home and somedays at the workplace. This is like a mix of job shifts that lets companies make sure their employees can stay safe while they keep on following the Covid-19 protocols. Moreover, in Australia, there are companies which are experimenting with a four-day working week as well. This new approach usually begins from Tuesday to Friday and is a challenge which requires from employees a high level of responsibility to reach out company’s objectives in shorter time.

A four-day working week could be more feasible in countries like Australia where the 40-hour, five-day working week was approved in 1948. Whereas, in other regions such as South America the landscape is less positive since they still have in many countries six-day working week from Monday to Saturday. For this reason, think about a four-day working week in countries like Colombia sounds almost impossible keeping in mind the 74 years of delay in regard to the changing from a six-day working week to five-day working day. However, Colombia issued a new law act in 2021 which gradually changes the current 48 hours per week to 42 hours per week. The act law 2101 of July 18th, 2021, will begin gradually two years after its issued and will reach out to its top in 2025.

Finally, this essay argued that a four-day working week is achievable in countries which have gained early other benefits. Whereas this idea is for the moment just a dream in other countries. I strongly believe these changes could be met if worker unions and employers work hard together to grant benefits for employees which give them quality free time to foster their productivity during their job shifts.

(366 words)

Source: As the COVID pandemic rolls on, there’s never been a better time for Australia to move to a four-day week – ABC News